In the past few decades, advances in advanced technology have been made at an amazing rate. With the advent of Information Technology, there has been a rapid increase in the number of organizations that specialize in computer technology. Advanced technology is needed in those spaces in which are heavily populated to effectively make the much-needed innovations possible. Moreover, advanced technology affects the software field by improving and automating many critical IT systems. The following sections give information on how to select a career in these fields.
The military has been one of the early adopters of advanced technology. It has used such technologies as radar and unmanned aerial vehicles for a number of purposes, from intelligence for operations against enemy combatants to surveillance of targets. Similarly, the FBI is a major user of such technologies. There is a lot of money invested in the development of self-driving cars. The real value, however, lies in the ability of these cars to collaborate with other drivers using similar high-tech devices to gather intelligence from the traffic ahead. Such intelligent systems can be used for everything from keeping track of the criminal element to ensuring the safety of the general public on the roads.
Industry is another area that is seeing an increase in demand for IT-related skills. Industries like automotive, software, and manufacturing are all seeking ways to apply IT to their business model. The auto industry is particularly interested in developing fully self-operating vehicles that will allow control of the brakes, acceleration, and other key functions from a central location. Similarly, software developers are working on fully autonomous operation of passenger automobiles. Such advances in the field of self-driving cars open up an entirely new field of opportunity for IT specialists.
For small businesses, advanced technology examples include RFID tags for customer self-service at point of sale or fleet management. These processes are both cost-effective and additive to overall customer satisfaction. Further, such applications will not only reduce labor costs by automating repetitive tasks, but will also allow small businesses to provide personalized service to their customers through data available from GPS enabled devices.
Another one of the many advanced technology examples occurring right now within the realm of IT is digital transformation. Digital transformation describes the process by which customer information is transformed from analog into digital form, usually accomplished via a computer system. Such systems can accomplish a wide range of tasks, from managing inventory to managing the distribution of goods and services. In some cases, such as with customer purchase orders, consumers can simply punch in a product order and then allow the system to manage the details of the order. In other instances, such as with supply chain management and asset tracking, the digital transformation process can create real, tangible items like items ordered through online catalogs or from an online store.
In addition to these high-tech examples of advanced technology examples taking place all over the world, another one of the examples is taking place within small businesses themselves. What many small businesses fail to realize is that, although they may have a computer or a network set up for internal business purposes, it is rarely both. Often times, the only time a small business office possesses the necessary computing power and storage space is when there is a need to do something complex, like taking care of financial records, or receiving and making emergency calls. Often times, there is not even a good, safe place to keep documents, or to simply keep up with the volume of paperwork that must be done. This is why many small businesses, in order to stay operational, make the switch to either onsite computer servers or virtual offices.
One more of the advanced technology examples taking place now is artificial intelligence, or AI for short. This term pertains to software programs and hardware that are able to operate independently to their human creators and are capable of doing a wide variety of things. For example, there are self-driving cars that never get involved in accidents, weather conditions that are programmed into the vehicle itself to ensure the safety of the people who are driving, and many more examples. It appears that the future of business and commerce may well involve advanced manufacturing technologies, because just recently a company from Finland developed a system that allows multiple production lines to function simultaneously, which allows for the production of large quantities of a certain type of plastic.
All in all, the list of advanced technologies in use today is very long and grows longer every day. Perhaps, the biggest impact we see on a day-to-day basis is with regard to our home appliances. As we continue to turn to computers and electronic devices to aid us in everyday tasks like cooking, cleaning, and even basic research, we also forget that many of the most common devices we own at home are controlled by built-in AI technologies. These devices include computers, televisions, refrigerators, and washing machines; not to mention the countless range of home appliances that are controlled by wireless internet, such as speakers and microphones.