If you are looking for a business credit card, you want to find the best one out there. How can you determine which card is the best? It can be confusing to say the least. There are so many business credit cards out there and all of them offer different incentives. To help you make your decision, we are going to take a look at some of the best business credit cards around today.
Chase Ink Small Business Preferred is an excellent card for small business owners. It comes with all the perks of an ordinary business credit card plus more perks. It is easy to use and earns cash rewards on purchases made using it. There are so many benefits to this card that it has become one of the best business credit cards available. Here are some of the reasons why:
There are several types of rewards offered by this card. First, you have the free gift rewards. You can earn reward points that you can redeem for free merchandise or services whenever you make purchases at their restaurants.
You also have the earning rewards. This reward program lets you earn cash rewards just from making purchases at their stores or restaurants. These rewards can range from a few dollars to several thousand dollars depending on the type of spending and the types of stores you frequent. Finally, there are the cash back rewards. These allow you to earn cash back just from making purchases at the business credit cards.
Now, let’s talk about the other types of rewards you can receive from these business credit cards. First, you get travel rewards. There are many card companies out there that now offer cards that give cash rebates on airfare, rental cars and other expenses for your trips. This means you can actually save money on your trips. If you have a high personal credit score, this could be an excellent way to build your credit score.
Another great perk is your business credit cards can give you business credit cards with cash back bonuses for some of your purchases. This means you can get even more back from the same purchases. Now, think about applying for these business cards. Do you have a good enough personal credit score to qualify? If not, then this could be the best business credit card for you.
If you do, then your next step should be looking for offers that offer cash back or cash rebate programs. In that case, you will want to start shopping around for cards that offer high interest rates. The reason is these cards will only benefit you if you have great credit scores. If you don’t, then these cards might not be for you. Look for the chase ultimate rewards or ink business preferred credit card rewards that can help you build your credit score and save money.
These cards have other great perks that include the welcome offer to earn a 1% cash back bonus on purchases you make in the future. They also offer free air travel for yourself and your entire family. This is a fantastic incentive to get you started. And the fact they are cards made by a well known company, it will most likely be the easiest card to get. As you build your credit, you will earn points and you will be able to use those points for future purchases. You should take advantage of this to build your credit score and to increase your savings.
Other things to check is the business credit card requirements and any annual fees. It’s important to find out the annual percentage rate because it can make a huge difference in your bottom line. You also need to find out the amount of interest that will charge. Generally speaking, these cards will charge a higher interest rate than their non-branded counterparts. Even with that, you should still try to find a card with the lowest interest rate possible. After all, paying less interest means more money left over at the end of every month.
The U.S. dollar is going up against many of the currencies around the world. So, if you are using the card for your global travels and need a frequent flyer card, then the Amex business gold card offers you one of the best rewards programs out there. Plus, this particular card offers no annual fee, which is another bonus. One of the best perks about the business gold card is that it offers cash rebates on all U.S. purchases made with your card. These rebates will equal a percentage of the cost of those purchases.
However, there are some downsides to this card. You can only use the card for purchases within the United States, so if you plan on traveling outside the country, you will need a different type of travel rewards or other card. Also, this card has an annual fee of $125. There are, however, other options available such as the Discover and American Express platinum cards.