  • xpate’s new core banking solution will speed up and simplify merchant payment gateway integration with multiple acquirers
  • Cross-border payments disruptor is enjoying unprecedented demand for its agile and flexible services built around simplified UX design
  • xpate recently added 35 developers to its team to build out its API and cloud service offerings

London, UK. 25 May 2022: xpate, the rapidly-growing simplified cross-border payments platform, has announced the launch of its disruptive core banking solution, which links merchant and acquirer systems to offer agile, flexible and harmonised payment processing, and crucially helps them to bypass legacy IT platform limitations.

xpate’s core banking solution has been designed and engineered to speed up and simplify merchant payment gateway integration with multiple acquiring systems, giving merchants the widest possible access to seamlessly integrated payment processing, powerful real-time data analytics, and intelligent transaction routing to ensure higher approval rates. Combined with xpate’s renowned UX design-led focus, the new core banking solution will help merchants and acquirers to tap into even more cross-border ecommerce opportunities through its easy-to-use integrated platform.

Core banking platforms are an integral cog in the payment ecosystem, conducting mission-critical payment processing functions that enable smooth transaction flows between consumers, merchants and acquirers. However, more and more in-house core banking platforms, many of which were built several years ago, are rapidly becoming outdated, as the underlying technology is obsolete or can no longer be adapted to onboard rising transaction volumes from a fast-growing array of channels, devices and touchpoints.

Upgrading these traditional platforms is prohibitively expensive to do in-house, and while plug-and-play functionality has enabled some flexibility, the intensive data-driven demands and complexities of cross-border ecommerce processing means the continued use of such platforms threatens the efficiency and profitability of merchants and acquirers looking to expand their cross-border ecommerce operations.

The launch of xpate’s core banking solution solves these operational challenges through its agile and flexible cloud-based architecture, which is designed to efficiently handle the escalating demands of ecommerce and increasing digital channel convergence. Powered by real-time processing and multi-channel integration functionality, merchants and acquirers can now scale and adapt to the digital-first  world in a cost-effective, configurable and customer-centric way.

Mihails Safro, Founder and CEO of xpate, comments: “Core banking technology is the best thing you can have in-house, but it’s incredibly costly and difficult for companies to develop by themselves. Outsourcing isn’t always the answer either, as third-party vendors may lack the flexibility and infrastructure to design solutions attuned to each business’s needs. At xpate, we wanted to build something that was by us, for us, and there is nothing in the market like it in our vertical.”

“The launch of xpate’s core banking solution adds to our growing momentum over the past 12 months, fuelled by the launch of breakthrough services such as our acquiring platform Links, and the recent addition of 35 developers to our team to build out our agile cloud and API capabilities for ecommerce merchants and acquirers everywhere. In only four years, we’ve transformed cross-border payment processing, and we’re incredibly ambitious and laser-focused on opening up new possibilities for our clients with our fresh approach to solving age-old problems.”

With the value of cross-border payments anticipated to hit $250 trillion by 2027, xpate’s mission is to take the complexity out of cross-border payment processing by giving merchants and acquirers optimal FX rates through its smart routing network, intelligent fraud mitigation and accelerated onboarding and compliance processes – all through one unified, simplified platform that’s designed to be as user-friendly as possible.

The addition of the core banking solution to its platform signifies how xpate is continuing to create new growth opportunities for acquirers and merchants of any size, in any sector with its fresh approach to making complex payments as simple as possible.

For more information on xpate, go to: www.xpate.com.