London – According to new research commissioned by NSC and conducted by YouGov, “as-a-Service” is the single most important solution driving digital transformation.
However, “it feels when reading industry content that offering product as-a-Service is something vendors have dreamt up recently,” said Alex Tatham, Global Head of Clients and Marketing, NSC, “but the reality is providing technology as a service is what Managed Workplace Service Providers (MWSPs) have been doing for years. And it’s more important than ever according to our research.”
The demand for access to new technology and faster deployment are all driving “as-a-Service” consumption. Alex went on to say, “cloud is turning everything into as-a-Service as a greater focus is being placed on what infrastructure can deliver, rather than infrastructure ownership. Increasingly we see our clients looking for operating expenditure (Opex) solutions supported by related transformation and maintenance services. They frequently don’t want a large capital outlay nor the resource in-house to manage on-premise.”
While the move to cloud-based software and services to streamline business and technology requirements is evident – half of the businesses surveyed view legacy technology as a barrier to successfully implementing a digital transformation strategy. Consequently, Service Desk support (64%) and Hardware Break/Fix services (76%), were seen by execs as key when selecting a MWSPs.
“With supply chain constraints and significant product shortages, legacy technology support will continue to be a huge part of NSC’s business. We are well positioned to bridge the current gap with a team of expert networking global engineers and a large pool of hardware – so as requirements of a project change, our customers can get the hardware and skills needed immediately. We have multiple logistics hubs across the world, 268 forward stock locations holding millions of spares and equipment to be delivered as a service,” added Alex.
The ongoing drive to improve operating business models and integrate digital technology into all areas of a business, presents a significant opportunity for MWSPs. However, there is still a need for MWSPs to provide ongoing support for legacy technology