Creating a page for your business with the world’s most popular social networking site, LinkedIn is not something that you should take lightly. Though this site is among the best when it comes to professional networking and helps you find your dream job, it can also lead to disaster if you do not have the right strategy when creating your profile. In order to ensure that you avoid any mishaps and create a page that attracts employers as well as potential customers, you need to follow the best practices for your business page. There are four steps you should follow to ensure that you create a page that is professional in appearance and also promotes your company. Follow them closely and your page will be more than just a representation of your business.
The first thing to do when creating your LinkedIn business page is to choose a company or professional logo or picture that represents your business. The logo should be professional looking and simple. It does not have to be complicated. However, a professional logo or picture will give your page a professional look and also give a good impression of your company to those who might be browsing your profile. Remember, the purpose of your page is to showcase your skills and expertise. Using an image or a logo that is unclear or that looks like it was taken care of in a hurry will only cause potential clients to question your work ethic and management skills.
When designing your page, include all the pertinent information about your company. You can write about the history of your company, what you do, and who you provide your services to. But, make sure that the information you include about your company reflects the kind of work you do. Including factual information about your company will help build a positive image.
When you create a page for your business, you should not just limit yourself to business information. You should also include personal information as well. However, do not include personal information such as phone numbers and addresses, unless you are going to use them for calling current and former clients. Including your best years and what you learned about your craft in school, will bring up memories that will make your prospective clients want to know more about you.
Be careful about what you put in your profile, as some people could be using it against you. Keep it clean. You don’t want to distract potential clients by putting something embarrassing in your profile. It’s always best to start fresh and then expand on your profile from there.
Your LinkedIn business page should contain relevant information that relates to your industry. Your industry may change year to year so it’s important that you update your profile accordingly. This way, you will stay on top of what is happening in your industry. Include links to any blogs or articles that you have written, any press releases, and any websites that you may belong to.
The last thing to remember when you create a page for your company is to make sure that you keep it professional looking. If you have fun and then post something with a little bit of vulgar language, people will think differently about you and your business. This is a very big part of networking and if you can make sure that you keep your cage clean and professional looking, you will build a positive reputation for yourself.
Networking is the key to any successful business. No matter what type of business you own, always look for new ways to network. LinkedIn is an easy way to get in touch with others within your industry and also helps you build relationships with others. Make sure that you always update your page and anything that you write online, including pictures. You want to always keep your company’s best interests in mind at all times.