Konica Minolta Business Solutions (UK) Ltd is proud to launch its new DX360° Assessment, a free online tool that provides businesses with expert feedback on their current position and advice on the best routes to achieve their digital transformation (DX) goals. Ideal for any SME, DX360° Assessment examines the needs of all business teams (not just those working with technology) to help enhance the digital maturity of the organisation, uncovering important process enhancements and cost savings.
Milan Lakhani, Head of Strategy and Business Development at Konica Minolta’s Business Innovation Centre, stated, “The Intelligent Connected Workplace is Konica Minolta’s vision for digital maturity, connecting IT, work, and people, so a business can reach its full potential. Naturally, many SMEs are worried about expensive consultancy in realising the full potential of digital transformation. We designed the DX360° Assessment specifically to address these needs – there is no hard sell – rather, a simple online experience for uncovering the often unknown digital potential of the business with practical recommendations for making them a reality.”
Digital transformation is an organisational and process change using digital and IT technologies and business models to improve company performance. Konica Minolta’s DX360° Assessment examines the progress of the business’s digital transformation through a comprehensive set of questions, then delivers immediate advice and insights by examining five different perspectives:
- Mobility: Understand how to gain a competitive edge by being more responsive, accessible, and be able to work whenever, and wherever.
- Flexibility, Efficiency & Sustainability: Understand the flexibility of your operations and how to deliver new performances, efficiencies, and customer experiences.
- Analytics & Intelligence: Understand how to visualise trends and insights about your business and make better decisions and predictions faster to enable growth.
- Security & Compliance: Understand how information management and the workforce should work in harmony to ensure data security and compliance and remove risks to your business.
- Productivity & Collaboration: Understand and transform how your people and teams use technology to interact, communicate and collaborate with each other and with your customers – creating engaged and effective workforces.
Once all the relevant details have been captured, the DX360° Assessment emails the respondent a bespoke Gap Analysis via a secure link. A completely free and no obligation 20-minute consultation with a Konica Minolta expert is also offered in the email to explain the results and recommendations. In addition to offering professional advice, Konica Minolta is looking to gain a greater understanding and to benchmark the progress and shortcomings of digital transformation adoption, by industry sector and country.
Milan added, “Adapting to the rapidly evolving post-pandemic landscape is especially challenging for SMEs. The VUCA world (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity) is now normal in many industries and sectors. We want to help businesses transform these into Vision, Understanding, Clarity, and Agility by having the right tools and procedures in place to enhance their digital transformation strategy.”
Typically, businesses on their digital transformation journey pass through several levels of maturity. Starting at ‘Emerging’ (planning and starting the journey) and on to ‘Digitised’ (transforming tasks processes, operations, and IT), ‘Integrated’ (empowered, engaged, and effective workforces & operations, irrespective of location), and then ‘Transformed’ (agile, integrated and data-driven decisions, creativity, and innovation). A business can then reach its Intelligent Connected Workplace potential, connecting IT, work, and people.
To take the free Konica Minolta DX360° Assessment and to receive a bespoke assessment and/or 20-minute expert consultation please visit: https://dx360.konicaminolta.co.uk/.
For more information on Konica Minolta please visit: www.konicaminolta.co.uk
About Konica Minolta Business Solutions (UK) Ltd
Konica Minolta’s innovations help businesses to shape the future, today, changing the way people conduct business and use technology to work smarter, faster and better. As a leading Smart Data and Digital IT Services company, we meet the changing needs of customers with our Digital Print, IoT, Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality solutions.
As a provider of comprehensive IT services, Konica Minolta also delivers consultancy and services to optimise business processes with intelligent workflow automation, and implements solutions in the field of IT infrastructure and IT security as well as cloud environments.
Konica Minolta’s solutions are proven to improve quality, reduce cost, eradicate risk, increase accuracy and streamline business processes. Recognising there are no two businesses the same, we pride ourselves on our customer partnerships and tailor our solutions to our customer needs, giving them the competitive edge they need to remain at the forefront of their markets.
Combining our market leading, award winning and easy to integrate technological platforms, with our strategic partnerships, business solutions and services portfolio, Konica Minolta is continually improving quality, reducing cost, eradicating risk, increasing accuracy and streamlining business processes for our customers. Our strategy has our customers at its core. With strong and mutually beneficial customer partnerships, our aim is to achieve mutual sustainable growth through technological innovation – giving shape to our customers’ ideas. We bring flexible solutions that not only meet our customer expectations, but exceed them, time after time.
Part of the global Konica Minolta Group, Konica Minolta Business Solutions (UK) Ltd is headquartered in Basildon, Essex and operates out of 10 offices across the UK, employing over 750 people.
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